Flexible Coding for Distributed Systems

Speaker:  Prof. Zhiying Wang, University of California, Irvine

Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Social Hour: 6:00 p.m.
Dinner: 6:30 p.m.
Presentation: 7:15 p.m.

The Doubletree Club Orange County Airport
7 Hutton Centre Drive,
Santa Ana, CA, 92707-5794

Please RSVP at http://oc-comsig.eventbrite.com/

Cost: First 10 early-birds (first-come-first-serve) are free! After that, $20 for non-members with dinner, $10 for IEEE members with dinner, $5 for student-members with dinner, free for presentation only
For more information on current and future events, please visit Orange County ComSig chapter website at: http://comsig.chapters.comsoc.org/


In this talk, flexible coding is presented for the ubiquitous distributed systems. Facing the fact that the failures are unpredictable in distributed storage, a framework for flexible codes to achieve the optimal latency of accessing information is proposed. Instead of accessing a fixed number of nodes as in a conventional code, a flexible code allows one to recover the entire information from a flexible number of storage nodes, and use all the available nodes efficiently. Moreover, flexible coding in distributed matrix multiplication for data analytics is presented. The proposed constructions allow a master node to efficiently obtain the computation results from a flexible number of available servers in the presence of unknown failures. Given the storage capacity of the servers, the computation load is optimized, leading to the reduction of the computing latency.

Speaker Biography:

Dr. Zhiying Wang is an assistant professor in EECS, UC, Irvine. She was a postdoc at Stanford University. She received NSF Center for Science of Information (CSoI) Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2013. She was the recipient of IEEE Data Storage Best Paper Award for 2013. Her research interests include information theory, coding theory for data storage, as well as modeling, compression, and computation for genomic information.

Dr. Lan Nguyen
IEEE OC ComSig Chapter Chair